
⭐️Dラボ: 無駄に自分を責めずに生きれるようになる【自責グセ対策法】


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00:00 START
00:31 自分いじめからの卒業
08:20 セルフトークで自分イジメを黙らせる
19:07 ポジティブなセルフトークのポイント
20:23 ①自己の物語のリフレーミング
23:55 ②問題の解決可能性を考える
26:00 ③自分自身を慈しむ
28:57 まとめ
32:25 一言で頭のネガティブを消す方法

 John-Manuel Andriote. Stonewall Strong. SELF-TALK. Shut Down the Bully In Your Mind With Positive Self-Talk. Resilience grows out of speaking kindly about ourselves, to ourselves. Posted January 9, 2018
 Donald Altman. Practical Mindfulness. The Single Word That Stops Negative Self-Talk Mental jujitsu flips the negative into positive. Posted August 7, 2019 | Reviewed by Gary Drevitch
 Susan Krauss Whitbourne Ph.D. Fulfillment at Any Age. SELF-TALK. Keep Your Self-Talk Positive by Focusing on the Here and Now. New research shows how to overcome negative ways of talking to yourself. Posted September 28, 2019 | Reviewed by Devon Frye


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